The aim of this webpage is to spread the true hidden History of our Badaga Tribal community of Nilgiris to the world. In most of the pages it had been given the wrong History of Badaga Tribal community, to overcome those wrong informations, this webpage had been designed.
People can find true hidden History and many Unknown facts about Badaga Tribal community of Nilgiris. After a good study on the community the site had been designed and developed .
I thank my parents Mr.Rama Krishnan and Mrs. Janaki Rama Krishnan, My Relations, My Friends and all who supported and encouraged me in developing this webpage.
I thank my Gurus, Dr.J.Halan, Retired HOD(History), Government Arts and Science College, Ooty(Othagae) from Bembatty Village and Mr.Sugumaran M.A. Mphil.(History) of Mukimalai Village for guiding me by giving their valuable information about the Badaga Tribal Community of Nilgiris.
I finally thank the Almighty's Hethe, Hiriyodiya, without their blessings nothing is possible.
I finally thank the Almighty's Hethe, Hiriyodiya, without their blessings nothing is possible.
I dedicate this website to my community people and to the great Warrior, The Legend Kalaraja, The Badaga King of 12th century, the Brave Heart who ruled the Nilgiris and protected the entire community and the Nilgiris.
Connect : senthil.jrk@gmail.com
Connect : senthil.jrk@gmail.com